Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - What Should Christians Wear?
As the seasons change from winter to spring or cold to warm, animals begin to shed their heavy coats of fur. Regardless what animal you observe, at the end of the shedding process, the animals will be comfortable and more modestly adorned than many humans who will go through their process of adapting to changing temperatures. We live in a day and time where clothing anddressing habits have, to say the least, become very “casual.” We’ve had a moral collapse in thiscountry! Hollywood, pornography, drinking, the breakdown of the home, etc. have all been major contributing factors to this dilemma and no place has its ugly head become more prominent than in the decisions made by human beings in regard to their clothing choices.
Too many women and men today show no concern for the way they dess,and it is time that Christians begin to speak out against today’s dress codes. We need to speak out for a number of reasons: attire is a subject that is being overlooked by the church in many places, many Gospel preachers are yielding to public opinion and not publicly condemning immodesty even when they know they should, many people are giving up their convictions about modesty and saying there is nothing wrong with wearing immodest clothing.
Just what is immodesty? Immodesty is wearing clothing that reveals oremphasizes parts of the body that when seen by the opposite sex draws attentionto you and creates evil desires.
Women should not wear immodest apparel because it places temptation before men. Conversely, men should not wear immodest apparel because it places temptation before women. Temptation is dangerous enough when it comes from within each person, urging them to gratify their lust; but, how terrible it is when forced upon one from outside forces.
Women and men should not wear clothes that reveal or emphasize too much because they violate the foremost Biblical principle of modesty; they can cause those of the opposite sex to sin and they themselves become guilty of sin. Paul again tells us, “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness” (Gal. 5:19). The word “lascivious” means to cause orproduce lust. Wearing immodest clothing will cause one to be guilty of the sinof lasciviousness which will no doubt lead to other sins. Jesus draws a picture of some terribleconsequences for the individual who causes others to sin (Luke 17: 1, 2).
Women, in particular, have a tremendous power over men by the way they dress. Some dress to be CHASTE (virtuous and Godly), but others dress to beCHASED. In doesn’t take long to figureout which category a woman falls into.Parents, in particular, need to be active in helping their daughtersunderstand the passion of males that can be aroused by clothing which revealstoo much of the female anatomy. Do womenrealize the power and influence they exercise over the thinking and actions ofmen by way of sexual attraction? Doesthe story of David and Bathsheba from 2 Sam. 11:1-12:25 ring anybells?
The Bible clearly shows that there are certain limitations in the exposing of one’s body. Paul says, “In like manner, that women adorn themselvesin modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, andgold or pearls or costly raiment” (1 Tim. 2:9). “Shamefastness” is “a sense of shame,modesty, reverence, the ability to blush.”
Granted, there are certain men who would be aroused by a burlap sack. However, that does not justify “adorning” yourself in clothing that has no possibility of being modest.
The Bible describes two types of clothing: the attire of a harlot (Prov. 7:10), and modest apparel (1 Tim 2:8). If you honestly consider the matter, it doesn’t a take a brain surgeon to figure out in which category to place the attire described by their creator as "symbolic of girls who want to seduce a man.”
What this all leads to is sin. Do we really want to dress like, act like, and be like the world? Or do we want to “walk worthily of the calling wherewith yewere called” (Eph. 4:1). Do we not desire to be that “elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that ye may show forth theexcellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelouslight…Beloved, I beseech you as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshlylusts, which war against the soul; have your behavior seemly among the Gentiles;that, wherein they speak against you as evil-doers they may by your good works,which they behold, glorify God in the day of visitation” (1 Pet. 2:9-12).
God has always demanded the world see a difference in Christians. Christians are to dress different, thinkdifferent, and act different than the world. The child of God has been redeemedby the blood of Christ. Hear what the Holy Scriptures say, “As children of obedience, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in the time of your ignorance: but like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living; because it is written, Ye shall be holy; for I am holy…I have given themthy word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as Iam not of the world…If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: butbecause ye are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore theworld hateth you” (1 Pet.1:14-16; John17:14;15:19).
In the thirteenth century, a cathedral was built in the German town of Lubeck. There is a sculpture of Jesus in that cathedral that is haunting. These are the words chiseled right beneath his face as he is shown standing:
You call me Master ... but obey me not.
You call me Light ... but see me not.
You call me Way ... but walk me not.
You call me Life ... but desire me not.
You call me Wise ... but follow me not.
You call me Fair ... but love me not.
You call me Rich ... but ask me not.
You call me Eternal ... but seek me not.
You call me Gracious ... but trust me not.
You call me Noble ... but serve me not.
You call me Mighty ... but honor me not.
You call me Just ... but fear me not.
If I condemn you ... blame me Not!
May God help us to rise up, demand the truth be spoken on this subject and then have the courage to stand firm on it!