Any lesson that uses the scriptures as it's foundation is not unique. The Apostles, preachers and teachers since the establishment of the New Testament church have taught these lessons thousands of times.
I offer no unique views in the lessons and sermons that are provided on this site.
I have studied many commentaries, books (by sound preachers, elders, etc. in the Lord's church), and sermons outlines by men that have stood steadfast in proclaiming the gospel of Christ. I have learned much at their feet.
Please feel free to use and/or share these lessons.
God is the author of them all.
Chuck Davis is a former pulpit minister, former deacon and is now an elder in the local church of Christ where he and his wife attend. He continues to preach at various congregations, mainly in Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee. As Chuck's schedule permits, he can also be scheduled for gospel meetings.
Please feel free to contact him at [email protected].
Special thanks is extended to Jacob Davis for his help in the design of this site.