Monday, July 27, 2009 - How do we view our Worship to God?
The internet can be a wonderful place. It gives you an opportunity to gain vast amounts of knowledge very quickly, reconnect with old friends, and discuss various topics with people from all over the world.
In regards to religion, it provides many the opportunity to "blog" about various topics based upon their feelings as opposed to having facts to back up their claims. I found myself in such a conversation with a man this past week who has a very unscriptural take on what worship, as defined by God in the New Testament, consists of. The unfortunate part of the whole experience was to see how many people bought into his arguments because it "felt better" to them and made them more comfortable. Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
There are two kinds of commands in the Scriptures. These two classes of commands are “Generic” and “Specific.” A generic command is one which authorizes some act but without giving directions as to the method and/or methods of its performance. To illustrate: “Go” is a generic command. Any expedient method of transportation is therefore scriptural in taking the gospel to the lost.
However, when God commanded Noah to build the ark of gopher wood that was a specific command and excluded all kinds of wood except gopher. If God had merely instructed Noah to build an ark out of "wood” then any kind of wood would have been acceptable; but when God specified “gopher wood” no other varieties of wood could lawfully be used.
Our manner of life, worship, deeds etc. are to be according to God’s instructions (2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 10:17). Therefore, it follows that any act whatsoever in which we are not directed by the word of God we are neither “walking by faith” nor" pleasing God” (2 Cor. 5:7; Heb. 11:6). It is a presumptuous for man to offer to God something which he has not authorized (Lev. 10:1, 2; Ps. 19:13).
Look at it from the perspective of worship.
Do you believe that we must worship God, as dictated by him, in order to be pleasing to him?
If so, is it feasible to imagine that a God who dictated what acceptable worship under the old covenant was would leave man to his own devices when it came to acceptable worship under the new covenant? When Christ stated that we must worship God "in spirit and in truth", where was that truth going to come from if not from the doctrine of Christ?The meaning of worship has become perverted in the minds of many in recent years by false teaching and misinformation. It has become popular to define it as merely an attitude or emotion rather than any specific act or acts.
It is immediately apparent that if this is true men are free to do almost anything they choose in the name of “worship” to God and He will accept it, as long as they claim an attitude of sincere reverence and devotion. Whether or not those who have sought justification for their use of mechanical musical instruments in worship originated this view may be impossible to determine, but they have certainly made use of it.
Whether people obey or disobey God is a matter of regard or disregard for the word of God. The only possible way for us to be united is to follow the simple plan of “speaking where the Bible speaks and by remaining silent where the Bible is silent” (I Peter 4:11).
The totality of Christ's teaching takes into account the calloused heart which produced actions which were not approved of by God, whether God directly forbid them or through his designation of others actions which, in itself, forbids any other action.
The book of Hebrews discusses worship that involves both specific acts of praise and general pious service. Both are called sacrifices (Heb. 13:15-16).
The sacrifices that a Christian offer include both the acts of worship involving spirit-willed praise and devotion as well as doing good and sharing in the name of the Lord. One is a sacrifice of praise and one is a sacrifice of service. One cannot confuse the figurative and general way of presenting our bodies as living, holy sacrifices in a spiritual service with a more specific spirit-willed, mind understood and heart-felt literal sense of worship.
In the debate between Alan E. Highers and Given O. Blakely (April 12–15,1988, Neosho, MO), Blakely (representing the Independent Christian Church) denied that worship consisted of certain acts or elements and that Scripture must regulate our worship. Rather, he amazingly affirmed that the sincere person in Christ could not worship wrongly.Obviously, by this view using instruments in worship (or any other practice called “worship” and done sincerely) would be acceptable to God.
Another fallacy that is based upon the misconception that worship is merely an attitude or emotion is that everything the Christian does is worship, from washing dishes to putting gas in the car. Those who would turn the worship assembly into a “party” or a performance by professional musicians or entertainers would justify these corruptions by the same erroneous concept of worship. The very definitions of the words (both Hebrew and Greek) translated “worship” refute the foolish idea that worship is a mere attitude or emotion. The standard lexicons tell us that these words connote such things as bowing down before, venerating, revering, serving, esteeming, doing obeisance to, kissing toward a higher person. In a footnote on Matthew 2:2 and similar verses, the American Standard Version (1901) translators recognized that worship involves action. On the word worship in the text, the footnote comments: “The Greek word denotes an act of reverence whether paid to a creature…or to the Creator…”
Furthermore, descriptions of worship in Scripture clearly show that certain acts constitute worship while others do not. Dozens of times in the Old Testament we read that someone bowed his head, bowed himself to the earth, or fell on his face “and worshiped the Lord” (e.g., Gen. 24:26, 52; Ex. 4:31; Josh. 5:14; Psa. 95:6; et al.).
The same idea is continued in the New Testament as men fell down before the Lord, held Him by the feet, or bowed their knees in worship to Him (Mat. 2:11; 18:26; 28:9; Mark 15:19; et al.).
Please note the following illustrations: 1. The Bible does not explicitly say, “Thou shalt not wash hands as an act of worship.” Yet Jesus severely condemned such action and pronounced the act as vain worship (Mt. 15:9). Why? Because they were doing in worship what God had not commanded! 2. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, offered “strange fire” which the Lord “commanded them not” (Lev. 10:1). The fate of these two men is well known. “And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord” (Lev. 10:2). Many would contend that the bringing in of unauthorized fire was a very little matter. However, the Lord did not tolerate a new element in His worship. Since he had not commanded it, to use such was sin and they paid with their lives!
When Abraham took Isaac to the mountain to offer him as a sacrifice, he said to his servants at the foot of the mountain, “I and the lad will go yonder and worship” (Gen. 22:5).
Abraham understood two things about the meaning of worship that many moderns have missed: (1) Worship was more than an emotion or an attitude; indeed, he had a reverent attitude before he left home or he would not have taken the painful journey God commanded. (2) Not everything he did constituted worship. Preparing for the journey and making the journey to the place of sacrifice did not constitute worship, but what he would do in the mountain (offer a sacrifice) did.
By no means should anyone conclude that attitude and emotion are excluded from true worship. The “true worshiper” which the Father seeks is the sincere, genuine worshiper—one whose heart is in his devotional acts. This is the meaning of worshiping God “in spirit” in John 4. Not only is the person’s body to be doing the acts ordained by Christ for acceptable worship of Deity, but one’s spirit must be involved.
However, merely claiming to have a spirit of reverence does not constitute true worship. In fact, one belies the claim of a reverent spirit if he ignores or rejects the acts of worship ordained by God. True worship may therefore be defined as sincere devotion to God that expresses reverence and godly fear by means of spiritual acts ordained by God.A consideration of the meaning of truth in Jesus’ statement is now appropriate. What did Jesus mean when he said that men must worship God “in truth” (John 4:23–24)? The Greek word translated “truth” in this and many other passages is aletheia. When used objectively, as it is here, Thayer says it means “the truth, as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man….”
This common use of “the truth” in the New Testament is simply another way of referring to the revealed will of God through Christ. Jesus brought the Truth, which He heard from God (John 8:40). He identified the Word of His Father as “the Truth” (John 17:17). Thus we read of “the word of truth” (2 Cor. 6:7; 2 Tim. 2:15; Jam. 1:18), which is identified as “the gospel of your salvation” (Eph. 1:13; cf. Col. 1:5). The lost are those who “obey not the gospel” in 2 Thessalonians 1:8, but in Romans 2:8 they are those who “do not obey the truth,” thus making the Truth the same as the Gospel. Truth in John 4:23–24 is simply another word for Gospel or the Word of God.
What did Jesus mean when He said we must worship God “in truth”? The most obvious meaning is “according to the Truth.” In other words, our worship must conform to the teaching of Christ concerning how God desires to be worshiped. This means that in worship (as in all other things we say and do) we must do only that which is authorized by Christ (Col. 3:17). When we have learned what the New Testament apostles and prophets taught the saints to do in worship, and when we see what acts of worship were done by the first century church with apostolic approval, we shall know what constitutes worship according to Truth for all remaining time. No man has the right to suggest that God can be pleased with the offering of any additional or any fewer acts of worship than those specified in the New Testament following the day of Pentecost.
Men dare not make substitution for or alteration of the God–ordained acts of worship. He seeks true worshipers who will worship Him according to His own revealed Truth. This is an indication that such worship can take place only as determined by the revelation accomplished in Jesus (v. 25f.), and consequently as determined by the Revealer who is the only way of access to God (1:18; 14:6).
I know many people have a problem with the phrase "acts of worship". If "acts" are no more than mindless, meaningless rituals, then they cannot be classified as worship. If worship is so broadly defined that it excludes nothing, then worship has no meaning. "Acts of worship" is a term defined to help the average person understand what is acceptable to God based on His Word.
-Singing to God and each other -Praying to God -Communing with God and his children in the Lord's Supper -Giving back a portion of what we've been blessed with to God -Listening to God in reading or hearing His Word
While none of the "acts" are called worship in the New Testament, we see (by example), that this is what the first century church did as acts of praise and devotion from the spirit of man to the one and only true God.
These are God affirmed means of communion with God on a spiritual level.
Adapted by Chuck Davis
Monday, July 20, 2009 - Pepsi promotes homosexuality; A brotherhood magazine you can depend on
PepsiCo, the parent company of Pepsi and Pepsi products, has given thousands of dollars to become a sponsor of the homosexual "Out & Equal Workplace Summit" scheduled for Oct. 6-9 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Florida.
I would encourage all Christians to pull their support from Pepsi products.
Read the full story at *********************************************************************************************************************************** It started with the printing of issue 1 in October 1969. The topics were straight forward and spoke to what the church needed to focus on, "Our Aim", "We can know the truth", "The Gospel is Revelant", "How to establish Bible Authority", "Fellowship with Denominations", and many other timely subjects. The articles were written by such brotherhood leaders as Thomas Warren, Andrew Connally, Alan E. Highers, Virgil Trout and others.
Now, 40 years later, The Spiritual Sword continues to be the light of the world as they declare the truth. Where the issues used to focus on subjects that set the Lord's church separate and apart from the rest of the "religious" world, issues now are having to focus on false doctrine that continues to invade the body of Christ across the world. Thankfully the editors of this fine magazine follow the instructions of our Lord and speak out in specificity, naming names where needed and continuing to point out where so many in the Lord's church are going astray.
While we are thankful for these men, the fact that there is apostasy in the Lord's church deserves a HUGE "shame on us". More and more Christians forget that it is the responsibility of all of us to guard the church against wolves in sheep's clothing. Too often, members are satisfied with just leaving it to a chosen few. I have news for them. God is not pleased with that approach.
We need Christians to step up and quit simply being daily bible readers and become daily bible students, diving into the word to uncover historical significance and contextual understanding so the they can fulfill the command of our Lord when he told us to grow!
We need members of the Lord's church who will challenge those who want to bring change to the Lord's church; change that has no authority in the scriptures. We need members who will quit looking to be entertained when they are at worship and remember that we are there to honor our just and holy God through worship that he has defined for us.
We have too many false teachers in the pulpit who's ego has gotten in the way of them proclaiming a life changing and life saving message. We have elderships who are too weak, either because men who weren't qualified are in the position of overseer or because qualified men have determined in their own mind to reject the commands of God in favor of satisfying those who are clueless as to why they are in attendance on Sunday morning to begin with. Some will say I am too harsh but my friends, when my standards for successful worship are whether I am entertained or not, I am clueless as to why I am there!
The April 2009 issue is a must read for all Christians. It will bring shivers to your spine because it is exposing the direction Satan is trying to take the church. m YO u can order it here ...
I beg you to order a copy today. Read it, study it, share it with others, and then commit yourself to restoring the Lord's church to the original pattern.
In Christ, Chuck
Friday, July 17, 2009 - Congress continues to support the abortion agenda
This website will never be turned into a political commentary or a place where everyday political issues will be discussed. That is not the purpose of this website. However, when issues dealing with morality creep into the political spectrum, I will make you aware of that information.
Humanists, atheists, liberals and others, who have no respect for God, are increasing their assault on Christianity trying to turn America into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Congress continues to attempt expansion of abortion activity through an amendment to the healthcare reform bill.
Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about women’s right in regards to abortion.I understand that we are free moral agents.God gives us the ability to choose between right and wrong.But in regards to what is right and wrong, we have no rights.What do people not understand about I Corinthians 6:19-20?Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
Too often we disregard the fact abortions are a direct result of illicit sexual relations.Show me in the scriptures where it says two wrongs make a situation right! Over 50 million unborn children have been murdered since the Roe v. Wade decision came down in 1973.Abortion is murder, and murder is a sin (Romans 13:9).The fetus has all properties, which are essential to being a human being.In Psalms 139:13-16 David makes reference to when he was in his mother’s womb.The pronouns “me”,“my”, and “I” are used throughout the passage in reference to David’s pre-natal state.
One of the clearest statements in the Bible concerning the humanity of a fetus is found in Jeremiah 1:5.In this passage Jeremiah states that the Lord knew him before he was born and that the lord sanctified him as a prophet while he was still in his mother’s womb.How much clearer can it be?The New Testament gives us the same type of understanding. Luke 1:41-44states: And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
The Greek word for “babe” in this passage referring to an unborn fetus, is the very same word used in Luke 18:15 and Acts 7:19 to describe young or newborn children.God considers a fetus a human regardless of the amount of time it has been in the womb.In spite of scientific consensus reached in 1981 that life begins with conception, the United States averages 1.5 million abortions a year.These are just the reported cases.And still, the U.S. Supreme Court will not overturn Roe v. Wade.They have even gone so far as to uphold partial birth abortions, the murder of obviously developed children in the womb.Now stories are coming forth that abortion has become a business.Baby parts are SOLD for research.
Consider this gruesome congressional testimony from Dean Alberty, former tissue procurement technician:“Infant twins were aborted alive and brought to him in a pan for dissection.He stated that the twins, who were between 26 and 30 weeks old, were cuddling each other and gasping for breath.”This is where humanist values have taken our society.How about the agencies our tax dollars fund?During 1999, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported profits of $125.8 million on gross income of $660 million.Of that income, $211 million came from clinic operations.Of the clinic operations earnings - $58.8 million – more than 1 of every 4 dollars earned came from killing an unborn child.That’s because the sheer number of unborn children killed in PPFA’s 850 clinics continues to rise, from 139,000 in 1995 to nearly 168,000 in 2000.Our government assists with the funding of PPFA.We have the FDA approving an abortion pill, which will allow women to terminate early pregnancies without surgery. A fetus is a human being. It possesses a soul.The Bible makes no distinction between a fetus of two weeks, ten weeks, or twenty weeks, but refers only to a child in the mother’s womb.One must conclude that a fetus is a human being from the moment of conception.An induced abortion constitutes murder and violates God’s law on the sanctity of life.
Thursday, July 16, 2009 - The NEA has determined to support homosexual "marriage" The National Education Association has overstepped their boundary again. This organization has sold out in order to pollute our children's minds about macro-evolution being a fact. Unfortunately for them, there is NOT ONE PIECE of evidence which validates macro-evolution ever has or could take place. Creation has thousands of pieces of evidence to support the biblical version of creation.Now, the NEA has determined that they know best when it comes to the subject of homosexual marriage. The National Education Association has thrown its full support behind homosexual "marriage."Read the full story at people have our children 7-8 hours a day, 180 days a year. Is this really the kind of example we want our children around?For those who accept the Bible as the authoritative, inspired Word of God, the controversy over the morality of homosexuality is easily settled. The Scriptures unequivocally condemn homosexual behavior.From the creation account we learn that God’s plan for sexual fulfillment is for one man and one woman to be joined together as one flesh in marriage; ANY other sexual activity is fornication, a sin which the brings the judgment of God.Please see my lesson, "Homosexuality is a sin" on the sermons tab.
Monday, July 13, 2009 - Two excellent Christian resources
I have received several e-mails asking where you can purchase material regarding Christian Evidences (age of earth, god's creation etc.). There are many good sites with information out there but I would like to suggest two based on types of material and familiarity with the product.First is Apologetics Press ( They have a large number of inexpensive tracks for both adults and younger people. They also offer quick reference cards that you can carry with you. All of these resources are very reasonably priced. The authors are sound and have a great deal of experience in this area of study.
Second is Focus Press ( Their DVD's are of the highest quality and the instruction found within is appropriate for all ages. The CD's and books are also authored by the best in their fields and are very thorough in laying out the arguments for the Biblical account of creation.
I would be interested if others have found helpful sites. If so, email me at [email protected] and I will share them here.
Saturday, July 11, 2009 - World Video Bible School
Satan's attacks begin with our young people. The peer pressure to "be cool", or "be like everyone else" is a continuous assault against every young person that will walk the face of the earth. As parents, what are we doing about it? Are we turning to the Bible for the answers, because they are there, or are we telling our children "go ahead", you don't want to be left out. Sex before marriage, drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling and many other items are real difficulties we all have to make a decision about. What is our answer? Young people, what is your answer?The wonderful brethren at World Video Bible School have begun airing Bible based videos dealing with each of these subjects. Check out the following videos on
- Abortion: A Woman’s Right? - The Truth About… Drinking - The Truth About… Gambling - The Truth About… Modesty - Searching for Truth - Why are there so many churches?
To find their material, do a search for “worldvbs”. Not all the videos listed in the search results are WVBS videos, only the ones listed above. Due to the time limit on youtube videos, each DVD is split into multiple segments, or you are directed to another website where you can see the material in its entirety.
All of the above DVDs are part of their volume discount pricing, which means you can mix and match 20 titles for only $1 or $2 each, depending on the DVD. Shipping and handling is included. The three “The Truth About…” lessons are all available on one DVD.
For a list of all their other titles included in their volume price deals, please call them at (512) 398-5211 or toll-free at (877) 398-5211.Here is the link to the video about ABSTINENCE. Teenagers must know the truth about sex and how it impacts their lives. HERE IT IS!
In the church today, we see increasing numbers of young people involved in sinful sexual activities that often result in pregnancy and disease. The material on this DVD is designed for churches to use in combating the lies about sex that are perpetrated on our young people through the media, schools, and friends.
This two-lesson seminar by Kyle Butt is designed for mature teenagers from 13 years old to young adults. The first lesson in the seminar, “Abstinence – Teens: Your Choice” is split into 5 segments for a total of 38 minutes; and the second lesson, “Abstinence – Teens: Can You Afford It?” is split into 6 segments for a total of 45 minutes.
The seminar teaches God’s plan for sexual abstinence before marriage. This material is very frank and explicit regarding the various kinds of sexual activities and diseases that can result from participation in those activities. It is recommended that parents view this material before showing it to their teens.Take advantage of this great opportunity!In Christ, Chuck
Thursday, July 9, 2009 - Brad Harrub announcement; Red River observations
Over the coming weeks, this website will begin to offer material from Brad Harrub and the outstanding Christians at Focus Press. This partnership will hopefully allow people to see the fantastic work that is being done by Brad and others to defend the gospel against the lies which make up evolution's arguments. Their websites are listed on the "Recommended Links" tab.Christianity is facing the most serious, unrelenting assault it has seen in the last 100 years. The government, news media and others would like nothing better than for Christians to crawl under rocks and give up the morals and values we possess. They would like for us to quit arguing for creation and allow them to keep perverting the world with the lie of macro-evolution, even when they have no proof on their side. Satan, through these various groups, is attempting to do as much damage as he can, even though he has lost the war.Do you understand what I just said? Satan has lost the war!!! When Christ arose from the grave, Satan was defeated! His only purpose at this point is to see how many he can devour before Christ's glorious return. Don't let him add you to his army. Arm yourself with the truth that God has provided through his Holy Word.
***********************************************************************************************************************************Red River Ramblings - Over 1,000 Christians settled into the town of Red River, New Mexico from June 27-July 1 for the annual Red River Family Encampment. If you have never made the trip, Red River is a beautiful town with beautiful weather, especially when compared to Texas in the summer.
This was the first year I had attended this event, mainly because my work schedule never allowed me the opportunity. However, I had also been advised that, in recent years, there were men speaking at the event which had determined not to stay true to the word. There is never an excuse for allowing such to happen. There are too many sound men of the scriptures that are available to speak. It is never excuseable to not know when a speaker has chosen to pervert the word of God. If you are going to ask them to speak, know where they stand.
Having said that, I was fortunate enough to hear two of the many talented men in the brotherhood speak, Bill Watkins and Brad Harrub. Bill Watkins set the tone for the whole conference with his sermon on Saturday night. You would do well to make arrangements to hear him if you are ever given the opportunity. If you have never heard Brad Harrub, you are missing an amazing speaker. I will go into more detail about him in the new "Christian Evidences" tab that we will be creating, but suffice it to say, there is not a better defender of the Word. Jerry Houston did a great job and reminded me so much of Willie Franklin with his passion and delivery.
Unfortunately, there were men there who need to think before they speak. John W. Smith (from the Tulsa, OK area) was given the task of teaching the early bird class each morning. His topics, over successive mornings were Unity and Grace, Unity and the Holy Spirit and Unity in Diversity. His assignment the first morning was Unity and Grace. It is the only time I have sat through a 45 minute study on grace where submission and obedience were never mentioned. Grace is grounded on our submission and obedience to God. Without such, grace does not exist. As he continued to speak, he made a statement that absolutely floored me. He stated that, "we can never know the truth regarding marriage and divorce..." Excuse me? This is a doctrinal issue which has eternal consequences and he's stating we can't know the truth? He could not be more wrong. There is not one doctrinal issue which, if we study God's word and put all our human desires and feelings to the side, which we can't know. Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9 are very clear on the standards given by God through Jesus. And if there is any doubt, look at the reaction of the disciples in Matthew 19:10. The truth is there, you need to want to see it. I have a complete lesson (lesson 6) dedicated to this subject on the "Marriage and Family" tab. The remainder of his class times were basically a call for unity through compromise. We have unity through obedience to God's truth. Period.
Edwin White, who is the President of the RRFE board, presented the lesson on the final morning. His lesson was very good until he began to throw around the possible idea that there is life on other planets. Not only that, but he proposed they could be higher intellectual beings. This is a completely ridiculous notion that is easily refuted by a study of Genesis chapters 1-3 and Hebrews 9:28. To even attempt to justify this absurd notion, then one question has to be answered. How would these beings have a chance at eternal life? Hebrews 9:28 says Christ was offered once, so that does not allow for him to have gone to these other planets and be offered for "their" sins. Are these "beings" without hope unless they come to earth and submit to the will of God? See where I'm going with this? Genesis chapters 1-3 says God created man and woman on earth, no where else. The scriptures are not difficult if we would quit being content with daily bible reading and focus on daily bible study. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:14-17, "But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
God would not provide us doctrine which would not allow us to understand how to obey him, please him and live for him. Mankind gets into trouble when we try to outthink God, out analyze God, or when we get so impressed with ourselves and try to be "great orators" via blogs; depending on our thoughts and whims as opposed to what the scriptures teach. There are those that will even pervert the word of God to justify a lifestyle or doctrine change for themselves, family or friends.John 12:48 - He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
Friends, I am lost if I teach things which contradict the word of God or live a life that flies in the face of the God given example of how we are to live. Finally, Christians need to understand when we honor God, by listening to his word, we do so by saying amen, not by clapping. We are not there to honor the speakers, which clapping does. We are there to honor God.May we always study to understand what God says so that is all that we speak and all we do...Chuck